We are co-hosting TWO events next Tuesday, June 25th and we would love to see you there! Please join us in the morning at #BetaBagels with NYC Opportunity’s Service Design Studio, and in the evening at #BetaTalks at Sidewalk Labs with NYC’s civictech community reporting back from the field. Details and RSVPs below!
Hope to see you on Tuesday!
Noel Hidalgo
#BetaBagels: A breakfast briefing with the Civic Service Design Studio at the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
Time: Tuesday, 25 June, 8:30am-10:30am
Location: Office of the Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, 1 Centre Street (Manhattan Municipal Building), 19th Floor
RSVP: < https://betabagels003.eventbrite.com >
Details: Start your day off with us at Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer’s Office for our third #BetaBagels with the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity’s Service Design Studio. Meet a team that is spearheading new approaches to service delivery and effectively transforming NYC government from the inside out. We will eat bagels, sip coffee and learn how a design studio found its home in NYC government and uses innovative techniques to address social and economic challenges and support livelihoods in the city. We hope you will walk away inspired by their projects, with a new-found appreciation for the intersection of design, technology, civil society, and government. And of course, fueled for the day!

BetaTalks at Sidewalk Labs — Reports from #CfASummit #OGPCanada #PDF2019
Time: Tuesday, 25 June, 7-9pm
Location: Sidewalk Labs, 347 10th Ave, 10 Hudson Yards, 26th Floor
RSVP: < http://betatalks062019.eventbrite.com >
Details: BetaNYC and Sidewalk Labs are bringing together voices from NYC’s public interest and civic technology communities to share personal reflections and takeaways from three major, recent summits: Code for America (Oakland, CA), Personal Democracy Forum (New York, NY), Open Government Partnerships (Toronto, Canada). We will also have a chance to hear from Sidewalk Labs about what they have been up to recently. Come say hello and join us for an evening of back-to-back lightning talks, networking and refreshments.