BetaNYC is thrilled to announce that the next School of Data conference will take place on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at CUNY School of Law and our call for proposals is OPEN.
Join us in shaping next year’s program! We’re looking for in-person conference sessions that celebrate open data and NYC and cultivate the public interest technology community. We want to give YOU space to bring us together.
We seek ideas for interactive in-person sessions that:
- foster civic dialogue, collaboration, and participation
- provide community-building or networking opportunities
- demystify civic technology and make open data accessible to new and old audiences
- teach participants a skill or tool
- present non-traditional tech perspectives
- present a community call to action
Conference topics can include:
- Civic Engagement & Community Building
- Civic Innovation, Open Data & Data Standards
- Decentralization
- Democracy & Governance
- Service Design & Delivery
- Digital Inclusion
- Digital Literacy
- Ethics, Technology, & Policy
- Internet Health
- Openness & Open Source
- Operations, Management, & Government Transformation
- Privacy & Security
Submit your ideas early!
Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. BetaNYC will work with accepted organizers to finalize their session details and where it applies, connect you with others to augment them. It is entirely acceptable to submit a nascent idea that requires further conversation.
Want to sponsor this year’s conference?
Thousands of New Yorkers see our annual call for proposals and event promotions. In-person, we bring together 400 participants and 80+ organizers in one space to celebrate open data and public interest technology. Thanks to the generosity of sponsors, we are able to offer scholarships, accessible ticket prices, and a healthy environment to convene. If you, your organization, or someone you know is in a position to sponsor, please let us know by clicking the button below and filling out the form.
Every year, School of Data celebrates Open Data and NYC as part of a week-long festival called Open Data Week. In partnership with the Open Data Team at the Office of Technology and Innovation, BetaNYC, and the Data Through Design collective, the eighth Open Data Week festival takes place March 16-24, 2024. Read the full announcement here. Anyone can submit a proposal for an event during NYC Open Data Week, a session at NYC School of Data, or an artwork as part of Data Through Design’s Aftermath exhibition. Tell your friends and colleagues.

🛎️ Open Data Week & School of Data
Submission Link:
Due Date: November 22, 2023
Final Due Date: December 11, 2023
🛎️ Data Through Design Exhibition
Submission Link:
Final Due Date: November 15, 2023
We can’t wait to launch next year’s program with you. If you have any questions, please contact us at or on Slack!
<3 BetaNYC