Introducing Our Associate Board – Applications Open Now!

Attention — BetaNYC is launching our first-ever BetaNYC Associate Board! 

Our Associate Board aims to support BetaNYC’s mission by being a preeminent group of young professionals/volunteers who commit their time, energy, and talents to hosting events, helping us raise funds, and recruiting more individuals into our public interest technology community.

You will be:

  • Building and networking with like-minded peers.
  • Gaining hands-on experience running and leading community events.
  • Exposed to BetaNYC’s leadership team and interactions with senior government staff and the broader public interest technology / civic tech / civic service design community.
  • Providing an active and engaged way to participate in NYC’s public interest technology philanthropy.


  • A commitment to 1-year volunteer term. 
  • Serve on at least one sub-committee (Nominating, Volunteering/Events, Development).
  • Attend quarterly Associates Board meetings (4 per year).
  • Raise a minimum of $500 for BetaNYC through fundraising events or a personal gift per term.

If you’re interested, please fill out a brief (<5 min) application today.

After that, we will email you to set up a 1:1 to discuss the Board further! Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. Please reach out to Shreyas at with any questions.