THE_MESSAGE 2014.47 – Fighting for better data, 311, & your right to party!

-= Community Updates =-

This month, we’ve gone before City Council to fight for better open data and 311 program. In short, we have one of the best open data programs in the world, but we can be better. This can only be done by sustained gardening. The Council and Agency representatives appreciated our insights and we are already working together to make our ideas reality. Stay tuned!!
Additionally, the City Record Online project is progressing quite smoothly. We’ve submitted a draft proposal for a City Record API and have outlined draft schemas for public hearings / meetings and procurement. You can check out the rest of this project here.
* NYC’s Chief Analytics officer started this week. We are super excited to end the year with an experienced leadership team. Let’s throw them some twitter thanks by tweeting the following “I’m so excited for NYC’s #OpenData & #CivicTech future w/ CIO @AnneMRoest, CTO @minervatweet, & now CAO @AMashariki!” or you can retweet this message.
* Lastly, we’re really excited about our friends at Personal Democracy Media launching Civic Hall! In the coming months, we’ll be sharing some of their events and programming on our calendar.
-= Upcoming Events =-
* Dec 3, Hacknight in Brooklyn!
* Dec 8, Geo/Hack/Viz Holiday Happy Hour <- PARTY!!!!! ok, just a happy hour, but you should come.
* Dec 10, Hacknight in Manhattan!
* Dec 17, BetaTalk – Save the Date!!!
-= Fellowships =-
* Data and Society 
– Data and Society is looking for a 2015 fellowship team
* Flatiron School
 – LEARN TO CODE – Flatiron School is offering a NYC Web Development Fellowship
-= Jobs afoot =-
* CUP is hiring a design team:
* Data and Society is looking to hire a researcher 
* is hiring Application Systems Administrator
* Interesting positions at NYC DOT
 – Associate Commissioner for Franchises & Street Furniture –
 – Public Engagement Specialist –
* Listing of IT, Data Analyst, & Design jobs