In Support of Int 0564 – 2014

Dear Chairperson Vacca and members of the Technology Committee,

We are supportive of Intro 0564 – 2014. We strongly believe that New York City needs an internal technology and design team to help accomplish the goals of this legislation. Similar to the US Federal Government’s 18F or US Digital Services, New York City is at a point where its digital applications need to be developed in house, through open source tools, and be done in a way where they are expandable to any type of device, regardless of platform.

As part of this legislation’s’ goals, we hope you would include language that such a system is designed around an Application Protocol Interface (API). This would allow any eligible individual to apply for a permit, licenses, or application anytime, anywhere, and regardless of platform. Additionally, this API would maximize the initial investment and permit the city to grow and adapt the application with minimal cost.

With most New Yorkers using cellphones to access the internet, it is fundamental that this tool be build with a 21st Century values and technology.

We thank you for the opportunity to submit electronic testimony, and apologize that the flu has incapacitated me from being in your company.


PDF – BetaNYC-TestimonyforIntro564-2016